Saturday, January 12, 2008

Long run

Another hot day in Sydney, got out relatively early at 6.40am and left from Mike Conway's house with Durante and Terrance (who is training for the 6 foot in March). We left bondi beach and went out to Bronte and then took took a hilly route to Queen's Park. We took it relatively easy on the hills (5.30 pace) and when we got into centennial we increased the pace (ranging from 440-450), we left the park after 1hr 20 and we could really feel the sun on our backs. We went back to Bronte and then onto Bondi (2 hrs) covering approx 24.8k. Durante and Mike went for a dip in the beach. Terrance and I decided to run on a little more and we took in a series of hills (Ben Bruck 1.5km loops twice), Terrance was very strong on the hills section and I wasn't really feeling great on the hills. Glad to get to Terrance's house in the end to refuel. All up 30km in 2.23. I suppose with 5 weeks left I should be covering more but with the heat I was happy the effort, I might go a little longer Wed for my MLR. Terrance gave me some Leppin gel after the run, I really need to start practising my carb in-take on my long runs. Need to make a call re: Smithfield half next week. I'm beginning to question the value of half 4 weeks out on a tough course with likely oppresive weather conditions. Another long run might be of more value. Good to see Tom31 back running.
Spent the rest of the afternoon on harbour cruise with friends and then went to see the magical Sufjan Stevens in state theatre.....36 days left..

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