Saturday, January 26, 2008

5km Bay Run

Frank Shorter the great US marathon runner of the 70s could tell "in the first 1/4 mile of a race whether or not [he would] have a good day." This feeling he described as "either being there, or [not]. He also said, "I 've learned that I can't talk myself into this feeling". Well that explains it, this morning I'd nothing in the legs and I knew after 400m. Went through 1km in 3.30 (which is the fastest km on the course) and figured I'd try to maintain the pace until the end. Ray Wareham who started with the 16.30 crew flew by at 4k and I kept the pace relatively steady to finish up in 17.41. Ray ran around 17.09. Both of us are running on the track in Homebush next Thurs and hopefully we can improve our times. Ran back with Blue Dog and Scott at a relatively quick pace. Scott was definitely on the mission to get back to the start.
Looking forward to a nice long run in the morning....

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