Monday, December 31, 2007

Easy Monday 14.8k

Met up with Mike Conway, Durante and Enda at 7.30am in Centennial. The boys were heading out for a 2 hr run and I told them I would stay with them for an hour or so. They opted for the 3.6k loops and the pace was slightly faster (4.38) than yesterdays.
Had a good chat with the boys and left them at the top of the Oxford street entrance and headed back home. All up 14.8km in 68 mins.
Picked up a good read at the weekend "The 50 Greatest Marathon Races of all time" - Will Cockerell. Clayton, Zátopek, Radcliffe, Deek, Benoit, Khannouchi etc are all covered. The races are ranked and but I think he has a slight bias towards the London marathon. In saying that I wasn't aware the Steve Monegetti finished 2nd in London twice and only by a few seconds in both races. Good to see Deek's win in the '82 Commonwealth games rank highly.

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