Tuesday, December 4, 2007

8 by 3 mins with a 1 min recovery

Hooked up with Tom's running group for the first time in months. Tom and the guys (Ray, Mike Conway, Durante, Tucks, Anthony, Charlie Low and lots of other guys that i didn't know).
The guys were planning on running 10, before the start I'd mentioned to Durante that I felt i could handle about 8 and that's how it panned out.
I was planning on running 3.50 pace but when the session kicked off got into the nice rhythm and held steady at the back of the pack and ran 8 reps averaging 3.35 pace.
The reps went 3.35, 3.35, 3.32, 3.36, 3.35, 3.36, 3.32, 3.35.
Pleased not to go lactic and felt relatively comfortable throughout. Probably could of handled 10 but decided not too risk it with a MLR scheduled tomorrow morning.

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