Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year

Fri 30th: 8 by 800 in Cessnock (Drain Oval), 90 sec recovery, I was pretty consistent with an avg of 2.35

Sat 31st: 50 min easy

Sun 1st: 26k in a shade under 2 hours, pretty hot and never felt that comfortable, just happy to get through it.

Mon 2nd: 55 mins easy with some strides...

Back to work in the morning, happy to get back into it, guess I like the routine of it all.

No year in review for me, as I had a shocker. Ran one good race all year, which was the 10k in Homebush. I've been pulling together a plan for 2012, no major change but will ensure I incorporate recovery into the week. I also seem to have difficulty incorporating the 3 core
strands ( v02, lactate threshold and endurance) into a week without getting a niggle. So with a heavy heart I will adopte a phased approach and if the body is up to it I will mix it up. For the 10k in Nov, in the 4-5 weeks prior I focused on V02 but racing within 3 days resulted in a niggle in my calf. As a result I've been more or less confined to shorter tempos for the month of Dec. So i will continue to train like this. This is not a bad thing given my key focus for 2012 will be running a sub 2 hr 40 marathon which does not require much in a way of v02 and requires a more phased approach. Anyhow even with a slight niggle, I've enter Rotterdam. Time will tell if my plan comes together!

Movies of the Year
1) Midnight in Paris
2) The Guard
3) Drive

A piss poor year on the movie front but it was a stellar return to form for Woody Allen with 'Midnight in Paris'. Owen Wilson plays Woody to a tee, dressing like him and is wonderfully whimsical as love sick pup primarily of culture but as with all Allen's characters they never really understands the opposite sex.
The Guard is a fantastic black comedy with Brendan Glesson as an oddball cop. Back in the day, I've served this man a bowl of soup and a pint of the black stuff. It's great to see him go from strength to strength after a very impressive doco on Winston Churchill and the very funny 'in burges'.
Drive on the other hand is a slow burner which really brings Ryan Gosling's talent to the fore. I thought he was the perfect womanizer in 'crazy stupid love' and he plays the sad eyed man of few words like Brando of old. Not sure if he will hit the latter's dizzy heights but he 'may be a contender'.
The reality is, for date night I choose 'alcohol' over 'movies' so I didn't get to see as many as I would have liked. For instance, I am a big Terrence Malick fan and I didn't see 'The Tree of Life'. It's out on DVD now and will rent it when the 'good wife' is she has no time for TM whatsoever. Which brings me to the my favourite TV show of 2011. I am big fan of the 'Modern Family & White Collar but the gong has to go to the 'Good Wife' :)


Unknown said...

Can't believe you rate Midnight in Paris. Schmaltzy cliched pap delivering its underlying message with the subtlety of a sledgehammer.
Good luck next year mate.

Dave Kane aka 'Kanser' said...

Must admit, I was very surprised by the inclusion of 'Bridemaids' in your list. I was reallly looking forward to it and was very disappointed. It's certainly was no 'wedding crashers'

Charlie said...

Bridesmaids was cringworthy and not really all that funny. I watched it last night with my "good wife" and we were both looking at each other saying "what is Tom smoking?"