Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Barry Norman

Mon: Easy 10k in very hot conditions (31c) with Berger. Bumped into the HuRTs squad and ran 4-5k with them.

Tues: 800 by 8 off 90 secs
Opted for this session as I can't see the benefit in doing 3 lactate thresholds sessions in a week. You are only asking for trouble on the injury front. Anyhow I was joined by Jono Fenton and Jake.
Again it was hot and humid and there was a little bit of a headwind to contend with. Reps went as follows

2.37, 2.34, 2.34, 2.35, 2.33, 2.34, 2.33, 2.25
Jono was 3-4 secs ahead of me on the majority of reps. In typical fashion, i felt very comfortable on the 1st 400 but needed to work hard on the 2nd 400 to maintain my pace. In the last rep, just sat on Jono's shoulder and ran over the top of him in the last 50m...
Good to see 'the tree of life' get an Oscar nomination for best picture. It was overlooked by the Golden Globes and is very unlikely to win as I noticed it's not nominated for 'best film editing'. I recall back in the day Barry Norman the esteemed film critic for the BBC highlighting the high correlation between the Best Picture & Best film editing award..so if you are not nominated for best film editing...you've little or no chance in winning the gong for Best Picture...shame really.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Never bloody mind Barry Norman, whats all this i am hearing that you led a rebel tour over to Rushcutters and have been upsetting Mikey Conway???
Wont be the last you hear of this :)