Saturday, June 4, 2011

Now that's what I call music!

QWell what a beautiful morning for running. Thurston picked myself and Katie up nice and early. We parked a good 2k away from the start so we got a good warm up in. All the boys were in attendance, and the banter was in full swing. Auld TImmy had his iPod and was ready to rock and roll.....
It was great watching the race unfold from the middle of the pack. All the boys ran really well, THurston who looked oh so comfortable ended up come 5th with a 30.37. Tucks and Tom cruised to a sub 33, TB surprised me running 34 flat and Rich P cruised to a sub 35 but hats off to auld TImmy for smashing through the 35 min barrier. Poor Conway struggled home in 36:15 and his day got a whole lot worse by getting a parking ticket.....!
I was relatively happy with my 37:14, not a bad effort for the first race of the year, it's oh so good to be back racing. I am now planning on venturing up to the gold coast for an assault at the 10k....
Never did find out what TImmy was listening to on the iPod but word on the street he was listening to David Bowie's 'heroes'. If I recall correctly it goes something like 'we can be heroes, just for one day' that's right! You'll get one day in the sun as you know I'm coming for you ;)


David said...

Dave 37m is a great run first race back, I think I ran 37 first 10K and got to sub 33 in about a year, hope to see you progress simarly.
As for Young Timmy he deserves

David said...

This is the version I play to myself each day before I go for a run;