Friday, June 8, 2012

Fast Twitch

Thurs: Planned to rest but left the kids into childcare and opted to run into work instead of public transport. After work instead of getting the bus, I ran home in the rain.
13-14k approx for the day.

Fri: Decided not to meet the Irish guys in the morning as I was keen to run the Hickson Road 2k reps and to be honest even though Enda's got a bigger V02 than Mo Farah, he's always miles behind me. So no help at all! Plan today was for 3 by 2k at 10k pace off 3 mins

  • Rep 1: 6.47 (a truck pulled up in front of me on Hickson, gave him the finger and shouted abuse (very unlike me)
  • Rep 2: 6.35 (running anger, still annoyed by the bloody truck driver. Likely to be a mate of Tim's)
  • Rep 3: 6.28 (felt good, love the Saucony's)
  • Rep 4: 2.58 (decided to blast a 1k fast)
Bumped into Sammy, Conway & TB on Hickson and ended up doing a 20 min cool down with them.


Tim said...

Well its looks like Enda has been given the flick by teammate Kanser these days as well, Despite his massive VO2 max he cant keep up.... retirement beckons ?

Enda said...

You're getting cheeky all of a sudden blog updates for a year when you were off injured and unfit and now we get 2 updates a day.... you're at your peak fitness now so enjoy it, the next injury is just around the corner...

Tim said...

Not often i agree with Enda but he is spot on there, rumour is Kanser has his P.A write his blog update before he gets back to the office these days.
Told me yesterday that Enda will NEVER beat him again over any distance over the next 2 years...?