Sunday, February 3, 2008

The last long one before Tokyo

Headed out for a 26k run. Ran 2k to the park at 7am and hooked up with Mike Conway, Tim Lindop and Terance. Tim suggested we run the 3 * 6k loops around centennial. The loop is relatively flat but has one nasty 700m climb up to Woolahra gates. We kept the pace relatively steady at 4.45 for 18k. We increased pace for the final 6k, 5k at 4.25 pace and 1k at 3.57 pace. It was very humid out there this morning. So much so I lost 3 kilos on the run this morning (weighted myself before and after the run). We chatted about yesterday's striders race and we are all confident we will improve our times in the coming months.
Maybe it's the weather but I've been listening to Nick Drake again, I love the jazzy-pop sound on Bryter Layter.

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