Monday, October 8, 2012

Nixon – Lambchop

Not sure how or when I was introduced to the band Lambchop but after a few listens of Nixon back in 2001 I was hooked. Lambchop is essentially Kurt Wagner with a collection of band members that can be as many as 20. The more the better I say as it’s like having a full on orchestra backing Wagner. Must admit I’m growing more fond of classical music day by day. Back to Nixon..
On the surface Nixon has nothing to do with a former America President but explores the ‘at times’ uncomfortable nature of middle America. Tales of backyard bullying, drunken parents, kids running wild all sung by the ultimate crooner Wagner who has a very smokey voice that wraps around the tunes. The lyrics are never easy to follow but at times you get snippets of his thoughts.

‘restless boy in a restless town and you commence to drinking..’

I’ve only ever seen them once in the Gaelic club Surry Hills circa 2003. They were two hours late it drove some mad (Niamh in particular) but I thoroughly enjoyed them. There are still making great music but have never come close to the masterpiece that Nixon is. The music clip below ‘up with the people’ is one of those tunes I always seems to dance too which is indeed rare for a Lambchop tune.

In order to settle my calf and Achilles I took Thursday and Saturday off. On Friday I managed to get out for an easy 8k that included some strides. Hung-over after a night on the town with Tom, Heyden and Thurston. It was a warm balmy Sydney night and I was feeling very thirsty.

On Sunday I went long again. Jogged to the park and then ran 3 loops by 10k
1st loop (4.30 pace)
2nd loop (4.20 pace)
3rd loop (3.52 pace)

Jogged home for 36k all up avging 4.15 pace. Happy to get through it, it was great to have Enda, Ann, Renaud, Rob & Craig helping out with the pacing duties.

Today I got out for an easy 55 mins with HuRT squad. Legs were shot from yesterday. A good night sleep tonight and I will be sorted. Enjoy the music..

1 comment:

Tim said...

Do you just make these names up? Lamb Chop. Hear the mothers?... give us a break. Whatever happened to Oasis, Pulp, Joy Division, Madness?
Whatever next, you'll be giving us a review of the latest from Jesus Christ and the Nailknockers
Fair dinkum.