Saturday, April 14, 2012


Wed: MLR of 90 mins at 4.32 pace, on my own again. Really need to get some company for these MLR...anyone interested in meeting at 6am on Wed mornings?

Thurs: Ran into work and felt pretty average all day so decided not to run. There has been a stomach bug going around and sure enough it hit me on Thurs evening.

Fri: I had some pretty important meetings Friday morning, so went to work. I was pale as a ghost all day and went to bed at 7pm and didnt rise until 7am...can't remember the last time i've slept for 12 hours.

I am feeling better today, Timmy will be over shortly for our trip to Canberra. Not sure if I will run the half in the morning. I will see how I feel later today..


David said...

Best not to mention to young Timmy about your sickness! :) good luck if you decide to run no harm done if you give it a miss either.

Tim said...

Master, Master Master... you mustn't know old Kanser to well :) nothing wrong with him - saying he is sick is a backup plan for when he runs badly :)
Man of his calibre, and he only beats a 58% fit timmy by 15 seconds, my oh my ....