Easy jog in from home [7.5km] and then met up with Enda, POD, Eoin, Chalks & token Irishman Adam Conquest.
- Rep 1: 3.29 avg pace with Enda and POD for company, in saying that Enda fell off the back towards the end of the rep. Think he was surprised with POD's improvement over the course of the week
- Rep 2: 3.32 avg pace again with boys just behind me. We ran into the domain and the pace slowed slightly with the 3 hill climbs. Felt relatively strong on the hills as Enda fell off the back after the first hill :)
- Rep 3: 3.25 avg pace with the boys again but Conquest joined in again repeating last weeks performance. POD went to the front and to be honest, I was starting to struggle but held on. With 4 mins to go, Enda put in a surge and went to the front but fell off within 2 mins :) Conquest then took over and pushed it in the last 2 mins and gapped me by 10-15 mins but in the last minute I managed to pull him back.