Saturday, May 28, 2011

There ain't nobody that can sing like me!

Well it's been a long time between drinks! I've been on the sidelines for sometime now and with auld Timmy hassling me daily to start blogging again. To be honest with the trash he's been writing on his blog its about time I started to defend myself.
I've been back running 3-4 weeks now and I had my first real hit out today a 5k time trial in centennial park with Lindop. I was relatively pleased with a 17.52 so the cycling has been keeping me relatively fit but my arch nemesis auld Lindop was a good 45 secs ahead of me.
Out for a longish run in the morning after the champions league final, Timmy is backing Utd and I have to admit I think Fergie may pull the wool over Barca.
The title refers to a version of a Woody Guthrie song that Billy Brag & Wilco covered some years back, I've started to listen to it again recently. I noticed Timmy had the iPod on for his 5k effort today, made me think 'there aint nobody that runs like Timmy'


Tim said...

zzzzzzzzzzz..... Is that it ?
Legion of fans and kids out there wait for 6 months and that's the best you have to offer?
Tom, if you are reading - don't bother putting Kanser's blog back onto your link :)
No seriously, the Kanser is BACK so watch out - think he might be able to take his sister in law at the next 10ks at this rate?

David said...

Welcome back Dave!
It must be good to be running again. What was the issue? the hip?
Young Timmy talks about you endlessly but we never get the detail.

Dave Kane aka 'Kanser' said...

Dave - the issue was the plantar. It was painful about 4-5 wks leading into NY. Just kept running on it....which made it a helleva lot worse. Went to lots of physios etc but ultimately rest was the key - basically no running!

Dave Kane aka 'Kanser' said...

Btw -Dave hats off to you. You are running very well. It will be interesting to see how you go against Tom in the C2s

Tim said...

...Tell us more, what was the problem again ?

David said...

Sadly, the lure of $ in a small town fun run the same day means I'll miss C2S again.
Tom would win though.