Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sixfoot washout

Well I got out on Thursday 8th March for a 6k tempo with a average pace of 3.32 km/m. I felt ok and was happy to get back to some faster running. On Friday, I went to the Doc for my blood results and he indicated that I was getting over a virus.
With the sixfoot cancelled, we still ventured up to the Blue Mountains to hang around with Timmy, Tucks & Tom. We even brought the children along.
On Saturday we hit the course from Megalong Rd and ran to the the Deviation (about 28k), actually felt pretty good on the run. There was a mix up about where Tom's Dad would pick us up from, well we ended up walking 1hr 30 mins...just to add a few more kms. We ended up having a great weekend with the kids loving staying up late and generally running riot throughout the homestead. Since Sat, I've decided to rest up until the virus clears up...!! With a month left to Rotterdam, I am considering pulling the pin...will see how I go in the next few days but I need to get back running soon!
To checking out the pics from the sixfoot, best going to Tom and Timmy's blog

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